Picasso Thursday - Keeping your Creativity

Every child is an artist.  The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up.  
~Pablo Picasso

I love this quote.  How true is it that the older we get, the less creative we are?  I remember when I was kid I made things out of everything.  Thinking back I am pretty impressed at stuff I created.  I made little sculptures out of aluminum foil.  I remember taking cardboard toilet paper rolls and making them into birds. I handmade cards for my parents out of every material you can think of to create little masterpieces. 

Nowadays, I can barely put together an outfit. Why do we get so (sorry to say it) boring as we get older? Is it because we have taxes and house cleaning and all those serious (insert very serious face), grown up things to worry about? And if so, how can we get our creativity back? 

When we are kids, we spend most of our time in a creative mindset.  We are always seeing new things and making up stories in our heads.  We live in our own little creative world.  So it's no wonder we can get those creative juices flowing! 

Maybe as adults, we need to cut out some time to just be free to think and explore and discover and create. 

Here are some exercises to get the creative juices flowing: 
  • go somewhere that inspires you - the beach, woods, etc.
  • music!!
  • free writing: get out a piece of paper and write down the first things that come to your mind.  let your mind go free and see what comes out (also very therapeutic)
  • work on at least one creative project a week, even if it's small


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