Monday Inspiration: MLK Day

Hey all!

It's been a while since I posted and it's good to be back :) I have been thinking a lot about roadblocks in my life (inspired by our recent series at church). I think that sometimes we/I forget or stop seeing roadblocks that stand in the way of pursuing dreams or even just doing things we enjoy. Its almost like we let things become a normal part of who we are... We let things like fear and doubt make a home in our brains and they consistently hold us back. I know for me that even posting on my blog gets roadblocked... I have thoughts like I don't have time, I don't have anything interesting to say, i don't feel like putting myself out there,etc etc.

Thats when I began thinking about MLK Jr.

As i was reflecting on Martin Luther King Jr this morning, I realized a lot. Yesterday in church they played a short video about what he has done. Basically what I got out of it was that at 26, he led the Montgomery bus boycott and helped found the Southern Christian leadership conference, that he gave his "I have a dream" speech at 33, And that at 34 he won the Nobel peace prize. I don't know about any of you but at 26 I could barely spell my name. It was probably the most confusing year of my life. I didnt know what i wanted to do (okay, so i still dont know what i want to do), i didnt know where I wanted to live or where I was going half the time.

And here we have a man who faced some SERIOUS roadblocks, yet he made things happen. Nothing was on his side. Because of the boycott, his HOUSE was BOMBED and he was ARRESTED. I don't know about y'all, but for me that would be enough to throw in the towel. But he kept GOiNG. He put one foot in front of the other and believed so passionately in what he was doing. He was one man who changed the world forever. When you are young, you believe you can do anything and change the world. As you get older, something happens and all of a sudden you stop believing in yourself or that you can make your dreams happen or that you can make a difference. I'm sure that we all want to change the world at least a little bit, but it can seen overwhelming. Where do you start? What if this happens and I might fail and people might not like me or my idea, and on and on.

There will always be a roadblock, the key is breaking through it. We may not all win a Nobel peace prize, but if we continue to put one foot in front of the other, who's to say what we can and can't accomplish?

I'm thinking about framing a picture of MLK and hanging it somewhere to see everyday, for real.


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