Winter Inspiration: A Time for Reflection

Greetings friends!

I hope everyone is having a great week so far.  I can't believe Christmas is already just a few weeks away! I really love this time of year.  For some reason the creative juices are flowing like crazy.

I have always thought that the colder seasons were a time for reflection, a time to retreat - to curl up under a blanket with a hot drink in front of the fire place - and think about where you are at in life, who you are, who you are becoming, the year behind you and the year ahead of you.  I think maybe all of this introspection is what inspires the creativity. Of course... the only thing we are missing here in South Florida is the cold weather.  No worries though, we have enough wintery candles and christmas decor around the house to make it feel like winter :)
This creative inspiration is what is helping me to move through the times of discouragement right now.  This past weekend I began working on my first project... taking a very, very old cabinet door and making a typography sign out of it. In my idealistic world I like to think of things as being very simple, which is exactly how I pictured making this sign.  Unfortunately it did not begin that way.  I was having a lot of trouble getting the letters onto the cabinet, and eventually wanted to just give up.

When the thought of giving up came to my mind, I remembered the promise I made to myself that I was going to make this happen no matter what.  So, I pulled up my boot straps and went back to the drawing board. With some different spray paint and some different techniques, it all worked out, and I am proud to announce that I have officially completed the first work for Flossy George Designs!

The downer is that I don't have any pictures! I am waiting for the delivery of my external hard drive since I have NO room left on my computer for anything, and then I can get the pictures flowing.  I promise to keep you updated when I get them up!

Another little tidbit: I just got the email subscription for the blog up and running and I would love for everyone to subscribe! At the bottom left of the page you will see a box where it says you can subscribe.

Until we meet again, thank you all for reading :)


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