Status Update: Supplies...Check!

Hey All!

Happy belated Thanksgiving to everyone! I hope everyone had a blessed time wherever you were and whoever you were with.  I am realizing more and more that it's not the food (although that has a lot to do with it) or the gifts that makes us love the holidays, but who we are with and the quality time you get to spend with them.  Looking back, I dont remember the gifts I received... only the time spent with people.

I was thinking about that today and wondering why I love the Christmas season so much.  It reminds me of family and friends and the good times we have together.... it gives us a special occassion to lavish the love of God on each other and give gifts to those who need them.  I am especially festive this year and I think it's because I have my husband to share it with.  We have a place to decorate and create our own Christmas traditions.

So, that said, I will move on to my status update :) The weekend before Thanksgiving, I finally got to go to the salvage yard and scoop up all those goodies I have had my eye on.  I prayed on my way there that God would make the guy at the salvage yard especially generous that day, and I am pretty sure it worked.  I took the guy all over the place (somewhere over 1 acre of land), and needless to say he got a good work out.  I think by the end, all he wanted to do was to sit down, so he pretty much started giving stuff away to get rid of me.

During my trip, I acquired:
- 7 windows
- 5 cabinet doors
- 2 cool pieces of teak
- 1 old sewing desk
- 1 door

As you can see, I'm going to be pretty busy over the next few weeks.  I have already made up plans for each piece and I am really excited to get started.  Hopefully I get a moment this week to take some before pictures for you. And eventually some afters.


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