Inspiration via Chanel

After finally getting my blog to look the way I wanted it, and to a point where I felt comfortable sharing it with public, I sent an email to my closest family and friends asking for their support.  The response was overwhelming.  I am so blessed to have people behind me who are loving and supportive. Having the people I love join me in the excitement of pursuing my dreams is the thing that keeps me going the most.

This weekend, Rick and I went to a salvage yard near by and it was amazing.  There were so many cool pieces of furniture and architecture to make things with.  After we left, I felt a little overwhelmed with all of the possibilities and not knowing where to start.  Truthfully, I was a little discouraged.  I felt the risk of taking the step out weighing heavily on me.  What piece of furniture do I start with? It has to be something that people will want, that people can afford, and that I can realistically restore and/or refinish.  I went into a bit of a panic. Rick felt differently in that he was really encouraged and felt like this was something I could really do, which in turn encouraged me.  I remembered again that everything starts somewhere. Just because I start small doesnt mean it's not a start. There are bound to be failures but I can overcome.

Last night, I spent some time with my friend Erin, and we watched a move about Coco Chanel.  God knew this was what I needed - it was really cool to see her life.  She really made something out of herself and overcame so many trials.  She was constantly going against the grain and taking risks. Her creativity was consistently challenged, but she persevered. What a gutsy lady she was. I really admire her taste and what she did with her passion. In a society dominated by men in the early 1900's, where a lady was meant to be in dresses and outrageous hats, she dared to wear pants and simple hats.  When women were only known to wear a specific fabric, she made clothes out of jersey.  I can only hope to have the same fire as she did.


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